Devlog 3: week 6 & 7

Greetings, fellow adventurers! It's time for another exciting update on the development journey of "Dark Lotus." As our journey through the shadows continues, we're thrilled to share the latest developments and improvements shaping our dark fantasy adventure. In this devlog, we'll delve into the evolution of our gameplay mechanics, from the implementation of a character state machine to dynamic map transitions, and the addition of visceral combat animations. Join us as we illuminate the path ahead and uncover the secrets lurking within the depths of "Dark Lotus."

Character State Machine Implementation

One of the key focuses of our recent development efforts has been the implementation of a robust character state machine for our valiant Knight protagonist. This state machine governs the Knight's behavior and animations, ensuring seamless transitions between various actions and states.

With the state machine in place, the Knight now responds dynamically to player input and environmental changes, whether it's exploring, or attacking.

This not only adds fluidity to gameplay but also sets the stage for more intricate combat and puzzle-solving scenarios.

Dynamic Positioning in Dual Perspectives

In addition to the character state machine, we've introduced dynamic positioning mechanics that adapt to changes in the environment when switching between perspectives. Now, when the map is reflected between the perspectives, the Knight's position adjusts accordingly to maintain consistency and coherence within the game world.

Combat Animations and Attacks

Combat is an integral aspect of the Knight's journey, and we're excited to announce that the Knight can now unleash their prowess with a variety of attacking animations.

With the addition of combat animations, players can engage in thrilling battles with enemies like the Crimson Bat, employing skill and strategy to emerge victorious in the darkness.

Ensuring Seamless Map Transitions

As we continue to refine our dual-perspective gameplay, ensuring seamless map transitions has become a top priority. We recognize the importance of maintaining player immersion and preventing frustrating moments such as getting stuck on walls or falling into inaccessible areas.

To address this, we're implementing checks to ensure that the Knight is in a valid position and state before allowing map changes. By carefully monitoring the player's surroundings and adjusting the transition process accordingly, we aim to deliver a smooth and hassle-free experience for all adventurers brave enough to delve into the depths of "Dark Lotus."  So fixing this is our next goal.

Looking Ahead

With each new development, "Dark Lotus" grows ever closer to realizing its full potential as a captivating and immersive dark fantasy adventure. As we continue to iterate and expand upon our gameplay mechanics, we would be incredibly grateful for your feedback and support.

Stay tuned for future updates as we delve deeper into the shadows and unveil more secrets hidden within the haunting landscapes of "Dark Lotus." Until then, may the light guide your path, and may your sword remain ever-sharp in the face of darkness.

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