Devlog: week 8 & 9

Greetings, intrepid adventurers! Welcome back to another update on the ever-evolving world of "Dark Lotus." We are excited to share the latest advancements in our dark fantasy adventure, including the expansion of our game map, the introduction of a dedicated tutorial zone, and the foundation of our first boss battle. Let’s dive into the details!

Map Expansion and Tutorial Zone

We have significantly expanded the game map to enhance the exploration experience and provide players with a more comprehensive journey through the dark and mysterious world of "Dark Lotus." This expansion includes the creation of the layout for the dedicated tutorial zone designed to familiarize players with the game's core mechanics and movement controls.

Introducing the Boss Zone

As part of our map expansion, we are excited to unveil the Boss Zone—a foreboding area where the first major confrontation will take place. This zone is designed to test all the skills players have acquired up to this point, offering a thrilling and challenging encounter. As to what will be waiting there, have a first look at the sprite our team has been working on. They will be watching too...

What's Next? - Tutorial Highlights

With the basic layout done, we are now looking into filling it with the necessary challenges that will prepare the player for the final battle.  

Movement Basics: Learn to navigate the terrain using the dual-perspective mechanic, switching between views to uncover hidden paths and avoid traps.

Puzzle Introduction: Experience the first set of puzzles that require strategic perspective-switching to solve, providing a glimpse into the intricate challenges that lie ahead.

Stay tuned for future updates as we delve deeper into the shadows and unveil more secrets hidden within the haunting landscapes of "Dark Lotus." As we continue to iterate and expand upon our gameplay mechanics, we would be incredibly grateful for your feedback and support. Until then, and as always, may the light guide your path, and may your sword remain ever sharp in the face of darkness.

Team Copihue.

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