Devlog 5: Animations, Menu and more!

Hello everyone! We're back with another exciting update on the development of "Dark Lotus." We've made significant progress since our last devlog, and we're thrilled to share the latest developments with you.

New Additions and Fixes:

  1. Final Boss Animations:
    • We've added animations to the final boss, a menacing red mass with multiple eyes that palpitate and blink. The animations bring the boss to life, adding an eerie, unsettling presence that heightens the dark fantasy atmosphere of the game. 
  2. Switching Mechanic Fix:
    • We fixed a crucial bug related to the mechanic of switching sides after changing the map. Now, the transitions between different perspectives are seamless and consistent, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.
  3. Menu Implementations:
    • Main Menu: We have created a main menu that includes options for Start, Options, Credits, and Quit. While the Options and Credits menus are not yet implemented, the structure is in place for future updates. 
    • Win Menu: Upon arriving at the boss zone, players will now encounter a Win Menu. This menu provides options to go to the Main Menu or Quit the game. In the future this will appear when you win against the final boss. 
    • Game Over Menu: When players hit the spikes, they are now presented with a Game Over Menu. This menu offers options to Retry, go to the Main Menu, or Quit the game. In the future this will appear when you die against a enemy or the final boss. 
    • Pause Menu: We've added a Pause Menu that allows players to Resume the game, access Options, return to the Main Menu, or Quit the game. This feature provides more control and flexibility during gameplay. 

New Build Release:

We're excited to announce that we've released a new build of "Dark Lotus"! This build includes all the latest updates and fixes mentioned above. We encourage you to download and try it out, and we look forward to your feedback.

Plans for the Future:

  1. Attack System:
    • Our next focus is to implement the attack system against the crimson bats and the final boss. This will introduce combat mechanics that are crucial for progressing through the game and defeating enemies. Also adding health to our Hero.
  2. Map and Mechanic Refinements:
    • We also plan to fix some minor details on the map to enhance the overall gameplay experience. These tweaks will improve navigation and ensure that the game's environment is cohesive and engaging. Also, not being able to change between walls and getting yourself stuck.


We would like to credit vrtxrry on for the font used in our game. Their work has contributed significantly to the aesthetic and readability of our menus and in-game text.

We're making great strides in the development of "Dark Lotus" and are excited to see how these new features enhance the game. Thank you for following our journey in the project.

Team Copihue 

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